To Bee or Not to Be; To Be or Not to Bee

Michael is a gentle giant of a man.  Seemingly he could lift the world on his shoulders;  his expansive spirit matches his physical prowess.

Married to my dear friend, Michael walks through life cleverly disguised as a  plumber, but I know better.  This great spirit is a nurturer, a lover of life and land.   Focus, attention, persistence and diligence are the tools that he brings to his day job. To his love of Nature, add tenderness and joy, and you have a massive garden that not only feeds his family of four but also a veritable army of friends and neighbors.

Last year, with a sense of wonderment and delight, Michael explored the delicate art of “beekeeping.”  Family members, ever cognizant of his deft hand with Nature, made certain that Santa gifted him with the necessary equipment with which to start his own beehive.  A dream was being born.

Various members of the “Michael-beehive-team” supplied such items as an all-in-one hive starter kit, bee frames, jacket, helmet, gloves, hot knife, honey extractor, a smoker for calming the dear bees (wonder if they have a “people-smoker!) and of course, the Queen Bee.

Christmas, in Michael’s eyes and heart, was a huge success last year and he looked forward eagerly to the day when he could begin the bee-journey.  In record time, Michael mastered this delicate art and reveled in sharing the intricacies of beekeeping with his daughters.  Patiently, he would explain the vital role bees play in our lives as these beautiful creatures are “pollinators.”

Under Michael’s watch eye and loving ministrations, the hive thrived!  The hive swelled to a bee count of over 40,000; it produced nearly 4 gallons of what I’ve heard was positively heavenly honey.

And then…!  One fine morning recently, our bee hero and one of his daughters went to tend the little bee kingdom only to discover what is called a “Colony Collapse.”  All 40,000 of his precious little friends lay dead on the ground.  Feeling heartsick and sad, Michael carefully examined the little bodies; death by pesticide.

It’s unclear if the neighbors’ crop spray was the culprit, or had the bees ingested the poison as they attempted to live their divine design – pollinate – only this time in territory that was not safe.

Bees are mystical creatures; they are teachers and way-showers.  One of their simplest, most profound teachings is the importance of kissing the flowers of life and extracting the sweet essence.  The analogy is evident.  See life as filled with flowers and your ‘job’ is to extract the sweetness from every flower (situation) to create the “honey” in your life.

Ask yourself, “Am I making honey or, is my personal mental pesticide prohibiting me generating and harvesting the honey of my Life?”

True and lasting sweetness is found in the BEE…the BE! – the BE of Life! This powerful tiny, insect issues the command BEE! May these sacred little spirits not have died in vain, but rather may they BEE testimony to the singular, silent power of BE.




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