At first, I was horrified…

then outrage set in as I understood I had been violated.  After taking my time and actually breathing into and embracing “it”, I saw the Cosmic Humor and Divine Opportunity that was inadvertently presented to me.

This evening, it has just been reported to me that MY sacred, and to me private, BLOG was infiltrated yesterday.  Seems that a presidential candidate took it upon them self  to create an ad and insert it at the conclusion of my personal BLOG  The ad states that “I am with this person.”  This person shall remain nameless simply because I choose to not have their corrupt energy soil the frequency of this work.

The Cosmic joke here is that it gives me the perfectly divine opening to share some deeply personal thoughts about both candidates who are running for the highest office in the land.  Please know,  “I am with neither candidate.”  The Essence of me, the frequency of the Great I AM,  resonates to integrity, truth, love, honor, goodness, kindness, non-violence, joy.  It appears that  neither candidate has cultivated these qualities and thus, I endorse neither person.

However, the I AM of me, my Subtle Essence,  is at long last, more deeply and more passionately than at any time in my entire life.. “WITH ME!”  I endorse ME.

Over the past eighteen months, I took the time to research and really look at what our sorry collective consciousness has been fed…. and what we are doing about it.  It ‘ain’t’ pretty;  matter of fact it’s down-right disturbing and quite frankly, frightening.

First, what I discovered is that, collectively, we have failed ourselves.  It’s we who fell asleep at the switch.  It’s we who no longer choose to be accountable and responsible.  It’s we who hand over our power to broken systems ~  often because we are too lazy, complacent, frightened, or flambuxed to do the required work to get our self out of our created messes.   It’s we who no longer properly stimulate and cultivate our magnificent mind.  It’s we who no longer trust our gut instinct.   It’s we who eat junk food, both physically and mentally.  It’s we who compromise our integrity, truthfulness and authenticity.  It’s we who no longer listen to the Silent Voice of sanity and conscience.  It’s we who simply don’t seem to give a damn.

Indeed, the dark attempts at mind control and negative programming which assault us daily are so soul-searing that they literally blow away ones ability to think clearly,  The purposefully polluted water, food, and air, the corrupt government, the manipulative media, the sly military, the dark forces in the political, pharmaceutical and medical areas,  and religious ‘businesses’  have sold us all a dreadful and deadly bill of goods and services.

Yes, there is a hidden war that is happening to suppress and steal our consciousness.  And ‘Yes,’ we are feeling frustrated, angry and at our wits end as we valiantly attempt to deal with the dark forces and the chaotic state that exists today.  Since you are reading this, may I remind you of an important reality check.  You did not come to this planet at this time to get hopelessly lost in a quagmire  of delusions, blame, guilt, or self-sabotage. And you certainly did not come for a pity-party.   You came here to SEE through things; to learn to discern truth from fiction; to build your confidence; to cultivate Self-worth; to fortify your sacred Will, and above all to forgive and Love with open-hearted candor.  In short, you came here to do your individual spiritual work, and then learn how to do it together in group consciousness.  You came to be of service to others, (not cower in fear or recoil in hatred.)  You came to honor Universal Laws ~ the sacred Principles that would align this planet to the entire rest of the Cosmos rather than keep us almost totally shut off from the Source of the Cosmos Itself.

You want an integrity-filled, honorable, illuminated “servant of the people?”   (That’s a lost phrase if ever there was one!  Seems WE are being made the servants and slaves.) If you truly want the Light and all of the goodness that It contains, and that I suspect you crave, you must become it.

More than ever, I am thoroughly convinced that if each one of us was accountable and responsible for our self – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, never again would we or could we magnetize two such  disappointing candidates in which we will be asked to place our trust and confidence for leadership and guidance.  Only as YOU and I grow in integrity, authenticity, honor, truthfulness and transparency can things change.  Only as we each clear our ancient emotional wounds and dismantle our negative ego,  only then, will we attract and magnetize mindful, heart-full, soul-full beings whom we can once again respect and trust.  Only then can we transform this planet.  Will you DO YOU?

For the record,  ‘their’ ongoing war against my sacred consciousness has been a dismal failure for ‘them.’  Personally, I continue daily with greater, renewed dedication … to DO ME… to honor my body, to cultivate my mind and to love my spirit back to full awareness.  Again, I ask … “WILL YOU DO YOU?”

I leave this missive with one of my all-time favorite Chinese Proverbs…

“If there is righteousness in the heart there will be beauty in the character.                            

If there be beauty in the character there will be harmony in the home.                                      

If there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation.                                              

When there is order in the nation there will be Peace in the world.”         

And so my fellow star-travelers…. it ALL begins and ends with YOU.

PS   That ‘offending’candidate must be pretty hard up for votes to come trolling near my site.   Yet, I am oh so thankful for the Divine Opportunity it afforded me!  Carry on.


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